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FINALLY! THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM which has plagued salon goers since the introduction of the hood hair dryers… THE COOLCAP. The cap replaces the traditional bouffant cap bringing the hood dryer up to the standards of the 21 century. The unique and ingenious new Cool Cap is designed to make time under the dryer faster and far more pleasant. It provides relief from the uncomfortable heat and chemical fumes endured for years while under the hair dryer.

Benefits of “The Cool Cap”

1. Faster Processing – Any procedure which requires the hair dryer gains an advantage using The Cool Cap. The Cool Cap concentrates the heat from the dryer between the cap and dryer. Heat and fumes are released through the vents well away from your face and neck. Time spent under the dryer is reduced when using The Cool Cap.

2. Relief From Fumes – Strong odors caused by chemicals used in the hair treatment process are released through the vents in The Cool Cap band and directed away from your face. You breathe cooler, fresher air.

3. No Hot Air – Sitting under a hot dryer is uncomfortable. The Cool Cap is designed to relieve the hot air by redirecting the heat away.

4. Faster Drying Time – After your hair is processed, it may be necessary to apply direct heat to the hair for drying. Simply tear away the perforated inner portion of The Cool Cap. Place one end of the band around the dryer and the other end on your head. The hair is quickly dried without discomfort to you.

5. Convenient – The patented, two-in-one Cool Cap is lightweight, sanitary disposable, comfortable, and cost efficient.

6. More Pleasant Salon Visit – Your salon visit takes on the atmosphere of an exclusive beauty salon by making salon appointments a more positive experience. You will greatly appreciate your use of The Cool Cap.

Stay Cool Cap 

Copyright 2022 Prestige Industries, Inc

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